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23 April 2014


Eric Bedin - New Field Coordinator

Last January Eric joined the EWCP Team as the new Field Coordinator. Originally from Tarbes in the French Pyrenees, and after studies in livestock production and agriculture, Eric spent seven years working on the reintroduction of Arabian oryx in Saudi Arabia. This was followed by a stint of four years as the technical adviser of the Gile National Reserve in Mozambique.

Eric has a broad experience on conservation issues, from captive breeding to reintroduction to law enforcement, and is particularly interested in community-based projects. His passion for wildlife and the last remaining wilderness naturally led him to join the EWCP and to offer his broad experience to help us conserve one of the rarest canids in the world. Eric loves his rugby, scuba-diving, wildlife photography and good food. Three months on Eric is still wondering whether he likes the cold weather of the Bale Mountains.

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