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18 June 2007


Graham Norton: Saving Wolves - Monday 2 July 7pm BBC One

Passionate dog-lover Graham Norton travels to Ethiopia to investigate a project which is helping man's best friend live alongside their rare wild cousin – the Ethiopian wolf.

Other programs in the series:
Will Young: Saving Gorillas
Monday 25 June, 7pm
Fiona Bruce: Saving Tigers
Tuesday 26 June, 7pm
Edith Bowman: Saving Crocodiles
Wednesday 27 June, 7pm
Carol Thatcher: Saving Albatrosses
Thursday 28 June, 7pm
Phil Tufnell: Saving Rhinos
Friday 29 June, 7pm
Jack Osbourne: Saving Elephants
Tuesday 3 July, 7pm
Saving Planet Earth UK
– Regional programmes Wednesday 4 July, 7pm
Saira Khan: Saving Turtles
Thursday 5 July, 7pm
Nick Knowles: Saving Orang-utans
Friday 6 July, 7pm
Saving Planet Earth – LIVE
Friday 6 July, 7.30pm & 8.30pm - The Saving Planet Earth star-studded fundraising spectacular. Hosted by Alan Titchmarsh, with Graham Norton, live from the Royal Botanic Gardens in London

The BBC Wildlife Fund is a brand new charity, established in May 2007, to supports work protecting wildlife under threat around the world. Initially, the Fund is getting the bulk of its money from the appeal promoted in the BBC Saving Planet Earth TV series. Money raised will be prioritised for distribution among the projects featured in the Saving Planet Earth programmes. Grants will be decided – by the Trustees– in the autumn of 2007 and will usually provide funding over three years. Hopefully, enough money will be raised for a second round of grants to be awarded in 2008, open to new and existing applicants.

The Ethiopian wolf was one of 23 wildlife projects approved by an independent selection panel for inclusion in the Saving Planet Earth TV series. Only nine could be filmed for this first series, but all are eligible to apply for funding from the BBC Wildlife Fund. All the projects were approved because they: addressed a clear plight, protected an important species that was key to an ecosystem, were effective in the past with plans for the future and involved local communities. Donations online to the BBC Wildlife Fund at

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