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25 March 2007


In May 2007 the EWCP will get a new in country coordinator

In May 2007 the EWCP will get a new in country coordinator. Dr Graham Hemson will take over from James Malcolm, who returns to Redlands University in California after two exciting years in Ethiopia, which saw among other things the project’s extension into the Arsi Mountains. Graham will be joined by his wife Vanessa and sometime in June by their first child. Graham has previously studied carnivore-human conflict in Botswana for his D.Phil at Oxford University, and joins us from Earthwatch, Australia where he has been managing their science program. While Ness’s more recent background is in television production both Graham and Ness worked in tourism in Botswana where they lived for 7 years. Graham is looking forward to the challenges of Bale and wolf conservation and Ness is looking forward to her own challenge caring for junior in the wild mountains of Ethiopia. In his spare time Graham hopes to tame Bale’s trout with his fishing rod, although he’s never had much luck anywhere else.

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